best utility tools 2017 omniceps

Listed below are some of the best utility tools rated in 2017, many of them are free tools which can be used without any charge.

Best Utility Tools of 2017

1. Google Analytics:

Google analytics ranks as one of the top tools when it comes to utility and analytics. Google analytics is a free website and mobile traffic analytics service powered by Google that helps you track and report traffic to your website and mobile apps. Google analytics is now the most used analytics tool for the online businesses on the internet.

Google Analytics gives you the digital information and analytics so that you can analyze data from all the entrypoints and touchpoints on your web/mobile apps in one place. This in turn helps you to understand your customer experience and flow deeply and more thourougly. You can then use these insights and share with respective responsible teams in your organization in order to achieve higher values and ROI. GA is considered to be the best utility tools of 2017 so far for businesses and individuals.


2. Postman

Postman is an HTTP client for testing restful and web api services. Abhinav Asthana from Bangalore, India is the creator for this app. Postman Rest Client remains one of the highest rated productivity apps in the history of Chrome web store. Postman has more than 390,000 unique users for its chrome and standalone versions. More than 70,000 collections are shared via Postman so far between various teams using it.

Postman was designed to make your current workflow faster and better. It is also considered as one of the best utility tools so far for API developement.


3. Elasticsearch

Elasticsearch is basically a search engine which is highly optimized and scalable. Elasticsearch is based on Lucene just like Solr. Elasticsearch is a distributed full-text search engine which is also capable of multi-users or multi-clients. It comes with an HTTP web interface and supports schema free JSON documents (NoSQL). Lucene is basically developed in JAVA and hence Elasticsearch also has JAVA at its core. It is available as open source and has terms from Apache licensing. Elasticsearch team has made its official clients available in Java, .NET (C#), Python, Groovy, PHP, NodeJS and other many languages.

Elasticsearch is the most popular enterprise search engine followed by Apache Solr, also based on Lucene. We already know that our general SQL dbms tools are not designed for full-text searches but more of id based searches. Their performance is also degraded against any non-structured raw data which is not present in the database plus needs more and more indexing. Given the same hardware specifications Elasticsearch is almost 1000 times more faster than SQL based database systems.


4. SendGrid

SendGrid gives you the power to send emails without yourself maintaining actual email servers and what more; its cloud based. SendGrid does all the managenet for you, be it technical and it details, Infrastructure Scaling or outreaching the ISP or maintaining and monitoring repurations. Sendgrid also provides whitelisting services and real time analytics.

You can manage various types of emails using SendGrid Services, for example item delivery notifications, new friend request notifications, app signing up confirmations plus emailing newsletters. Along with all this Sendgrid provides monitoring, managing domain keys, feedback loops and Sender Policy Framework (SPF). In addition to all of the above SendGrid provides you link tracking and open rate reporting.


5. Stripe

Stripe is basically just like Paypal, an online payment processor. Developers can integrate Stripe into their websites without the need of registering or maintaining merchant accounts. Stripe has a 7 days waiting period for the first few transactions. During this time Stripe analyses and profiles the involved businesses in order to protect each other against potential fraudulent transactions. After everything is cleared Stripe transfers the funds directly to the bank account attached/linked to that payee account.

Stripe can help you build most flexible and powerful tools for e-commerce. Stripe helps you create subscription services, an on demand marketplace, or an ecommerce store, or a public funding platform, Stripe’s neatly designed API’s and unmatched features help you develop the best possible product for your audience. 100s of 1000s of the world’s top innovative technology organizations are already scaling efficiently and much faster by building their business payments on Stripe.


Bonus: Amazon Route 53

Amazon Route 53 or Route 53 is a highly scalable and highly available Domain Name System (DNS) from Amazon AWS developers. It is also a part of Amazon’s cloud computing platform which is rather known as Amazon Web Services (AWS). The name refers to port 53 of TCP or UDP which are used for adressing DNS server requests. Route 53 can be used to route users to various AWS service like EC2 instances or RDS services. Along with that Route 53 can also be used to route requests/users to non-AWS systems.

Route 53 is basically designed for developers and devops people in order to provide them a panel to work directly without the need of touching files on the servers. It is highly reliable and cost effective solution to route end clients to Online applications by translating domain names to IP addresses, ex. to In this way it is able to connect requests. Route 53 is IPv6 compliant and highly available.

Check how to route your godaddy domain using route 53.

So people, these were top 5 ranked best utility tools of 2017.

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